Collita Roja
100% Sumoll, wine labelling

The identity of Collita Roja comes from the collection of the noir novel "La Cua de Palla" by Edicions 62 and the novel Collita Roja by Dashiel Hammett published in 1929, which introduces us to a typical character from the Hard Boiled novels, a guy who, although he has an extraordinary gift for observation, solves cases by kicking the streets in search of information and who manipulates things at will.

The Sumoll strains are like the farmers, when young they are coarse and productive, but over the years they take deep root. At the threshold of death, when they are decrepit, full of wounds in body and soul, is when they can give us more wisdom.

The character of the Sumoll is unique and inimitable and from this character Collita Roja (Red Harvest) is born.

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Torrent de les flors, 39
08024, Barcelona
+34 680 25 59 59
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